Monday, July 30, 2007

madrasi blues

well am in south india. i have got infected by this chronic disease: madrasi blues. symptoms are a weird accent, laughing without reason, extra smooth bowels...too smooth for comfort, consumption of very high doses of mint (ranging from polo to tic tac), aversion from COCONUT, serious intellectual impairment. i was rather excited about going national (calcutta to mumbai to bangalore) but unfortunately i kanndazied myself. its like walking in the rain without an umbrella. you love the fact that you r getting wet, but then again u dont like the wet underwear sticking to your skin. yes, i admit it, for me south india is madras and coconuts....and i also confess, i love it here.


Shilpa Krishnan said...

awww.....and its not kannadized but madrasified

Dielle DSouza said...

Ha ha ha!! I see you suffer every day with the coconut and whatever...and I see you loving every bit of it!