Monday, September 10, 2007

my mom

today is my mom's birthday. she turned 58. that is more than half a century on this wretched earth. thats more than half a century working in and for the rat race.
she wanted to be an artist but life made an architect out of her. she wanted to run wild and free but life chained her to dad and me. dont ask me how many books she has read till date, many. she loved me through my red marks. she loved me through my rebel-without-a-reason stage. she loved me with my insanity. shes nature's own child. she is the happiest on a bright sunny day when shreds of white clouds adorn the blue blue sky. she used to have a sparkle in the eye but the pollutants of life have diminished it. she follows Kant unknowingly. she does her duties for duties sake. sometimes deep down she loves because its her duty to love. she transcends human emotions, she transcends our petty beliefs.
she believes in god and destiny. she has taught me to respect privacy. she has tought me to be alone and take my own decisions. she has seen more in life than anyone else i know and she has learnt to appreciate the rat race for its pettiness. she has left the great 'career aspirations' to follow her roots back and grow a family. she works out blood to make sure i live a life of a princess. she has tought me to be critical especially of myself. its easy, because she is never critical of me.
she likes to dance and listen to abba. she believes in dressing good and looking good. she looks gorgeous and i dont say it coz she's my mom. i say it because i admire the woman she is and i want to be jus like her when i grow up. at least, i want to make her proud.
love ya ma.
happy birthday.


Unknown said...

Fascinating & quite accurate .I remember , when you were a lovely little baby , I took you one day to Animadi's (my BARODA) place & she was soo amazed seeing you .. she said 'Sikha ,from where did you get her..such a beautiful doll like baby ,she is not your's , you must have stolen her from somewhere...'ya - i must have stolen you from that ALMIGHTY are my LAKSHMI , and I'm always proud of you as you are .. you are my mark / my footprints on earth after me ..grow up as a good human being and live life as you like to live ..fulfill your dreams .. with your intellect , energy and drive..and leave your mark behind .. yes , you can do it...
Love you ,

Anonymous said...

arre, the original post and the comment both are so good. carry on my loves.

Anonymous said...

It's really sweet...